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About us Polish genealogy Origin of WTG Gniazdo Activities Membership Meetings Note Contact

About us

Polish genealogy

In modern years, the year 1990 was very symbolic for the Polish genealogy. Prior this year was not allowed to interest or talk about the origin of their own, unless it was appropriate and consistent with the ruling of then administration elite.

After 1990, the rules have changed. Then it can be noted first gradually, and then more dynamic increase in interest in genealogy and family history. There were publishing the first books on genealogy of the Polish nobility, but mainly the most prosperous pre Second World War Polish aristocracy.

In the First Republic Nobles represented only 10% of the population, the rest were peasants, craftsmen, townspeople and clergy. Unfortunately in a market was continuing deficit of position related to the genealogy of peasant or townspeople. Sometimes some books appear on the regional market, in a small number of copies.

Origin of WTG Gniazdo

Undoubtedly a positive aspect of change after 1990 was showing a different kind of teaching aids for genealogy researchers containing much needed suggestions and help in search. Unfortunately, it was still not enough. Numbers of amateurs have grown slowly but systematically. In halls of state or church archives often can be found the same faces. Sometimes someone has helped, listened, but lovers discovering family ties were still homeless. It was necessary to organize the entire group under one umbrella, but the question was how to reach out to all those people?

Researchers from all over Poland and the world joined several web portals, where they exchange their experiences, advice, translating church metrics, or finding the village somewhere in on the eastern borders of the former Republic.

Thus, was created the Genealogical Society of Great Poland "Gniazdo" meaning Nest. The main promoter of the project was its current President Wojciech Jędraszewski. The thought that occurred during cold, winter months of 2006. Finally, the first founding meeting was held in Gniezno - the seat of the legendary rulers of the Slav. It took place on 28.10.2006 in the Royal restaurant in Gniezno. Six people participated in the first meeting. Over time, WTG began to grow. Many new members join the group. They want to share with others their own knowledge and experience or want to meet once a while and talk about their discoveries, interesting places to visit, engage in projects under guidelines of WTG. Everyone wants to leave something behind.

Over time, however, the members of the WTG agreed to give a more formal framework for their organization and was born the idea of registering our organization in court of Poznan. Founding meeting, during which new status and board was elected - was carried out o 26.04.2008 in the palace in Czerniejewo. The registration process took place very quickly and smoothly, and members of WTG Gniazdo as hard working and passionate children of Great Poland set and carry out further targets.

In addition to meeting new people and deepen their passion, the Association is also often engaged in possibility of maintaining contact with descendents of Polish immigrants. Although scattered all over the world they did not forget about whom they are or where they originated. Living away from the Fatherland and with difficult access to the Polish archives, often they own beautiful genealogical trees, family photos and family stories. These souvenirs have double value: genealogical and emotional because they origin from their ancestor’s country.


Activities of Great Poland Genealogical Society "Gniazdo" is not focused solely on the monthly meetings with discussions related to genealogy.

Members and friends are engaged in many other activities:

  • The creation of numerous studies locating a town or village in Great Poland based on territorial, municipal and parish, scan maps from Archdiocese Gniezno, Lublin, Poznan and Warsaw
  • Development of inventories of the clergy in Archdiocese Gniezno, Pelplin and Poznan
  • Indexing of marriages Catholic and Evangelical in Great Poland for the years 1835-1884
  • Indexing of Great Poland clergy of the eighteenth - the twentieth century with photographic documentation *of burial sites
  • Indexing of dead buried at the cemetery on Samotna Street in Poznan.

These projects are designed to help find members of our families. They require a lot of time, commitment and sacrifice. The other activities of our Association, not so time-consuming, are:

  • Promoting of genealogy by organizing Genealogy Day in cooperation with the Archdiocese Archives, interviews with local media: newspapers, radio and television
  • Inspiring interest in the history of their own region and country, by visiting museums, mansions, palaces, burial sites, churches, cathedrals and places of birth of Slavic culture.

Still, there are further ideas and plans. Genealogy never really does stop with his own family. It only starts with it.


Membership Declaration can be downloaded here (in Polish). The completed declaration must be sent by mail to WTG Gniazdo. Membership in the WTG is paid. Enrollment fee is 10 zl. and the annual fee is 60 zl. (for students, retirees and pensioners are discount). The fee can be made by bank transfer to the account number given in the declaration.

List of members of WTG - the current list of members of WTG Gniazdo (Polish)


List of meetings can be found at this link: Meetings (Polish)


Because our web page is dynamically created by the community, most of the content is written in Polish only. However, you can always send us an e-mail in English and we will try to do our best to help you.



Wielkopolskie Towarzystwo Genealogiczne "Gniazdo"
62-200 Gniezno Mnichowo 64 b
